miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

the last blog.

Sorry bro but this is the last blog that I'll post so enjoy! 


Resultado de imagen para public administrationWell if we're talking about subjects that I enjoy this semester, I could mention "Metodología de la Investigación para la Administración Pública" and "Estudio de los fenómenos políticos", but the subject that I like the most is "Dinámicas de la Administración Pública" By Karina Doka a.k.a The Devil of EGGP. The class' dynamic is a lecture, which is basically a class when the teacher is talking and teaching by him or herself and we have to listen to and write what he or she is saying.

Resultado de imagen para public administrationThe contents that we see is all about Public Administration, Public Management, government and all that it means, the president figure, ministers, sub-minister, field of action of the state, what we can, can't, must or mustn't do as professionals, state's structure and well. There are more contents like Open Governments, Public Policy, Political System and other stuff.
I chose this subject as my favorite because it teaches all the things in what I'm interested about this profession and the teacher, Doña, teach so well (also, she is so mean and expert that you learn her contents for fear)  that I like all things that it includes, it shows me that this is really what I want to do, and makes me feel the passion that I felt when I chose to study Public Administration.Resultado de imagen para open government


 Probably you should go out and get some friends... Stop read it and get out men! 

Instagram vs Tinder 

Why is Instagram  better than Tinder? 

 Today, I'm gonna talk to you about Instagram and how  is the best social (and dating) apps that you ever know and how easy is get a date, more easier than Tinder, which is a really date app ( also I hate Tinder)

Resultado de imagen para instagramInstagram is a social media just like Facebook or Twitter, where millions and millions of people connected with each other on Internet every single day to share their best moments, Moods, Pictures, Memes, etc., also, they can talk with their friends and meet stranger. Instagram is characterized for being a virtual platform where the people uploads their better photos and get followers, in addition it has been adding tools, that it's  much more fun and addictive, for example the Histories, the "On live", Directs, etc., which there have given its more followers. These tools have allowed that the people should have the opportunity to speak with others, simply answering a history or sending a direct. 

Resultado de imagen para tinder 

For the other hand we have Tinder, an app to "dating",  where you created a profile with the best photos that you have, then you add a description of you. Once created your profile, there begin to appear a series of photos, so you can give "Like" or "Dislike" to their profiles. If both give each other "likes", you make a match and you might speak to her/him, before Not. In case that you never have the like of the other, you can't have the opportunity to speak to him/her, at least in instagram always has the occasion that he/she answers your history or see your message. 
So, if you'd like to follow me, this is my super Instagram: Simiestro_ jajaja c'ya 

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018


Hello and sorry for the next line... I'm gonna talk about me (obviously) and my experience in Modelo de las Naciones Unidas para Latinoamerica y el Caribe (MONULAC), which is the Latin and Caribbean vesion of National Model United Nations (NMUN)

2nd version of MONULAC at Universidad de Santiago, Chile. 
First at all, What is MONULAC? Well, just like NMUN, MONULAC is a organization that advances understanding of the United Nations and contemporary international issues (NMUN)  where student, especially Latinoamerican people, get involved in a role play, it mean, we play to represent the foreing policy of any country in one of the six Committees.
In my case, I played as an U.S delegate at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and we had to talk about the Climate Changes by the Global Warm and The Security Food in Latinoamerica. Well, me as North America, was very hard because United States of America is one of the most country and damage to the environment. That was no easy but not impossible, I fought so much, especially with Russia but at the end I won and my resolution was approved by the President, Vicepresident and Secretary of the Council. 
Votting by acclamation for the General Aseembly's declaration. 

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018

Sing it!

Heyy so many time oh, don't you think?! How are you? I hope you that you'll be fine. 

Today I'm gonna talk about music. So, got back to the past, the greatest years for the black music. 

Blues, Jazz & Swing

Resultado de imagen para swing musicResultado de imagen para blues musicBlues, Jazz and Swing have a sad history. Many years ago, when the slavery was legal system, black people have nothing because they were considerated no human being. The only things they can do was (and still is) sing and dance... For that, they took their african instrument and created this music genres as the Blues, Jazz and Swing, as a distraction and a way to be free. 
Resultado de imagen para swing musicSingers as Louis Armstrong, Steve Wonder, Whitney Houston, Nina Simone and so many artist, fighted against the white primacy in the music industry. Thanks God ( this is a phrase, I don't believe in God), They won and today we can see how White people plays blues, jazz and dance Swing... so, bye bye Racial Gap, see you in the hell!